What do we really expect from a campaign promise? Is it really the Presidents fault? I mean, He was just saying what we wanted to hear. Right ? I'm sure McCain made a few promises that, If he would have won the election, he would have had to break himself. So goes the nature of a politician. Don't get me wrong, I am mad as H**L about this and you should be too. But what really makes me mad is the ignorance, ( yes I said it IGNORANCE : the state or fact of being ignorant : lack of knowledge, education, or awareness. source Websters Dictionary ) , of the people who voted for him, blindly, based on the promises he made. All through the presidential campaign, economic analysts and non partisan news agency's were reporting that, with his platform and proposals, there was no way that Obama would be able to fund his programs and ideas WITHOUT raising taxes. Were they not listening ? Are people that lazy, when deciding on who should run this country, that they wouldn't take the time to research this themselves. Or at least listen to and consider what opposing voices were saying. Sure there were debates, but were they paying attention or just standing "Star Struck " in awe of the messiah who was going to deliver us from....ourselves ??
I am mad at the lies, but I am furious with the " Majority " of this country, who voted blindly and, now that things are not turning out how they hoped with our new president, are starting to complain and whine that " This isn't what we signed up for". Even the media that was " in the can " for Obama, during the election, are starting to get disenfranchised with their leader. All I can say is, " QUIT WHINING !!, We ( as a nation ) put him there. It's nobodies fault but the ones who elected him to office "
OK, I'm done venting. Now, what are we gonna do about it. There is hope, but we have to inform ourselves so as to not be misled again. With that knowledge, we need to inform others. Believe me, people are starting to listen. We need to take responsibility as individuals, come together as a nation of informed citizens. 2010 is coming, research the officials we will be voting on. start now, paying attention to who our next president should be in 2012, Start looking for the right candidate, not the right party affiliation. I believe we messed up last election, but if it happens again, we'll have no one to blame but ourselves.