Wednesday, June 24, 2009


Here is my concern, I know that we all desire someone who shares our core values and ethics in charge of the nation but, I feel that too many people are looking for a leader of our Great Country who is in line with our "special interests" rather than at the whole agenda or track record that, that person has had or demonstrated. “I FEEL " that if we take the issues of pro-life/pro-choice, gay rights, gun control etc. (there are many more, I don't want to offend anyone by leaving important issues off) away from the political platforms and left them up to the individual states to decide, we would be able to focus on the key things that affect every individual of this nation equally. How many issues is there really that do affect every single American ? The Economy, National Security, Health Care.

How many people voted for Obama because they thought He would be sympathetic to their "special interest” and didn't even consider what his agenda was on the, I Believe, 3 basic things. Did I care more about Bush because he was pro this or that and not pay attention to where he stood on other issues??. By not leaving these special interest out of the debate, to be decided by the individual states and voted on by the states residents, we muddle up the debate and take the focus off of the universal concerns. I’m a Christian and want everyone to be a Christian, but, I live in a great country that gives individuals a right make that choice on their own. I would hope that our President would have Christian morals, unfortunately, I feel that If there were a strong Christian candidate, that characteristic alone would be held against them by all of the "special Interests" groups. If You believe in gay marriage and your state has voted to ban gay marriage then move to a state that welcomes it, If you don't like the state taxes, then move like Rush Limbaugh did, if the majority of your state voted for tighter restrictions on guns and you don't agree, move to a state which will give you the freedoms in that area you can live with. OR, PICK YOUR BATTLES, stay where you are at, and decide if where you and your family live offers more good than bad in the greater scheme of things. We need to simplify things to get back to where we were, what 100 yrs ago (I’m not a historian) and prioritize on our needs as a nation before we think about our wants as an individual. We too often take for granted our freedoms and our rights and confuse our wants as entitlements.

I feel that we all are looking for and forward to new leaders (in the senate & house in 2010 and the white house in 2012) But as we search for the next group of leaders in our government. This time, let’s look beyond our own interests and search for the persons who will best help us get this Great Country of Ours back to what our fore fathers left us with....................Just sharing my thoughts, curious of what you think too!!

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