Friday, July 24, 2009

I refuse to accept "Politics as usual" anymore

I am so tired of hearing, in response to the lies and deception in Washington, phrases like; "That's just politics, Politics as Usual or What do you expect? they're Politicians". When did this all begin? How long has it been the Status Qua that, it's OK to allow our nations leaders to lie and deceive us? And when they do, just write it off as politics as usual. I'm no historian and maybe I am wrong, but, I can't imagine our founding fathers sitting around the room, when they were drafting our constitution, saying; "We can't put that in there, it might offend this group over here" or "If we don't include this, this group over here won't get what I promised them" or what seems to be going on, more and more, in the Bills flying through Congress these days; "If we use this language, it will give the impression we are looking out for their best interests and still leave it open to do what we want" When did it become OK for us to be lied to and deceived? When did we decide as a nation that; we have no choice but to settle for leaders who say one thing and do another? When did we drop the ball; when it comes to holding our elected officials accountable to do the job they were elected to do? Think about this. We let Congress pass Bills on TARP, Cap and Trade and Health Care without reading what's in them. How can they possible be protecting the citizens who elected them when ,they don't even read what they are putting into policy? I guarantee our founding fathers not only read what they signed and passed, but also, had full knowledge and understanding of what they were voting on. Remember this?:

The problem is; We as Americans are letting our so-call leaders do this to us. We are letting them lie to us. We are not holding them accountable for their actions or lack there of. We are justifying their playing games, with our freedoms and future, by letting them off the hook with a simple excuse of; "What do you expect, they can't help it. That's the nature of the game in Washington" "That's how politics work" ENOUGH ALREADY!!

As long as we just sit back and allow our leaders to keep doing this, to us and our country, they are going to. If we don't hold them up to a higher level of accountability, then we deserve what they give us. I can't speak for anyone else, but, I for one will be writing letters to, calling and emailing my elected officials, State Senators and Representatives, letting them know that; when it comes to their role as my elected official, They are expected to do the job they were elected to do. When it comes to communication with the voters, that they say what they mean and mean what they say. When they don't, I will hold them accountable and they WILL hear from me.

I have a right and an obligation to keep our leaders in check, and, so do you

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