Wednesday, July 1, 2009

Independence Day or 4th of July

Well, It's July 1st. Firework stands are open for business, you can hear Piccolo Pete's whistling that all too familiar tune, people are dusting off their BBQ's and hosing down the lawn furniture getting ready to celebrate the 4th of July. Wait a minute, what was the other name for this holiday ? Oh yeah, INDEPENDENCE DAY !!. When was the last time you heard anyone refer to this holiday as Independence Day ??

It used to mean a lot more than bbq's and fireworks and I'm starting to wonder if, over time, that's all it will be. Another day off of work (although it falls on a Saturday this year) to enjoy some great food, good friends, nice weather outdoors (hopefully) and some amazing displays of pyrotechnics. Don't get me wrong, I look forward to days like this, but, What are we celebrating ? And the real question I have to ask is, Do we have as much to celebrate this year as on July 4, 1776 ? Do we have the same Rights & Freedoms as we did at the signing of the Declaration of Independence. I'm not talking about civil rights or equality, We made much needed progress in those areas since the birth of our Nation. I'm talking about role the government plays in our lives. Do we have the same balance of government that was fought for and blue printed out for us by our Founding Fathers? Or even since our Bi-Centenial ? I am afraid with the way things are going, If we do not act and stand up, our Tri-Centenial will be a joke.

Get involved people, attend a Tea Party, Let your voice be heard this Independence Day. Let's make it a celebration of "We the People", of our rights and freedoms before more and more of them get stripped away from us by a Government that feels that they know best, what's best for us. Share with your children the importance and meaning of the day. Let them see you take pride in our country and show them that, Yes, they count too.

I plan on taking my daughter to a local Tea Party event this 4th of July. I want her to experience the power of the people, We the People. She will still have her BBQ, still have her fireworks, but, after the food settles and the smoke clears, she will have a memory of participating in an event that has meaning. Meaning not just to her and the thousands who attended all over the country, but to her kids and grandkids.

Happy Independence Day



  1. Keep up the Good work!!

  2. Great Post. We can still have the day off work, or the day before Independence Day, but lets put some meaning behind it this year. I am goin to a tea party also. Be safe everyone.
