Monday, July 13, 2009

One is better than None

For the longest time, I put off getting involved in local and even national politics. My study of economics involved counting how much money I had left and making it last til the next payday. Current events simply meant knowing which movie was coming to the theaters that week. Issues any larger, than those I listed, didn't affect me. My world was small and simple. As the problems in our nation have grown larger, issues that only other people had to deal with soon became mine too. I got busy, looking on-line and tuning into Fox News, trying to bring myself up to speed on what was happening and why. I found out WHAT was going wrong in our nation ( that was the easy part ) but, listening to all the "Point / Counterpoint" debates and opinions from the Main Stream Media, it seems like the experts can't agree on the WHY. The more I learned, the more upset I was becoming. The more upset I became, the more I felt the need to do something about it myself.

But what could I do? Who's going to listen to me? I mean, when considering where I fit in the grand scheme of things, who am I? I don't have celebrity status. I don't have a radio talk show or political ties. What kind of impact could someone like me have that would affect the state of the nation? I know that I am not alone when I say that, when it comes to being just an average citizen, it's easy to start believing the lie. The lie that tells us that our feelings and thoughts, regarding the direction that our country is heading in. are insignificant. Even though the latest RCP Poll states that 52% feel that our country is heading in the wrong direction, it's still scary feeling like you're alone and wondering if what you are doing will make a difference.

The truth is, I do make a difference. Even if what I do or say should only impact 1 other person, I've made a difference.

Albert Einstein said, "The world is a dangerous place, not because of those who do evil, but because of those who look on and do nothing."

I refuse to "look on and do nothing" any more. I believe it is much too important for me to act, even if alone, than to stand by and watch things get worse without doing what I can.

I am only one,
But still I am one.
I cannot do everything,
But still I can do something;
And because I cannot do everything
I will not refuse to do the something that I can
Edward Everett Hale

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