Monday, July 6, 2009

News worthy or Not ?

It seems like, after the tremendous amount of participation from average citizens attending the April 15th Tea Parties, there would have had more media coverage about the 4th of July Tea Parties that were held all over America. But, after searching the news and Internet this weekend, I was very disappointed at the lack of coverage. I was extremely upset at Fox News, which in the past has been a champion for these "grassroots" events. As far as the "Main Stream " media goes, I was in no way looking for any enthusiastic or glowing coverage of the events as much as I was surfing for their condescending reports of all the "Right Wing Conservative Nut Jobs" who gathered together in vain protest over, what should be, their patriotic duty, in tough economic times such as these, to pay higher taxes ( as VP Biden was quoted saying )

The media has already voiced their opinions of the 10's of 1,000's of people who attended the April 15th tea parties, using such terms as : extremists, prejudice, rednecks, Obama haters and Tea Baggers. Is this what the media really thinks? Do they feel like events such as these are not news worthy? Have we led them to believe that we, their audiance, are not interested in stories about people who are frustrated just like ourselves? Is that what they really see when they witness these lawful and peaceful assemblies of citizens who gather under the protection that our Constitution gaurantees? Radical, out of touch wack jobs? Watch this clip. What do you see.

As far as I am concerned, these are just your everyday, average, hard working American people who believe that they have a voice in the direction of our Nation. As do I. I'm starting to think that, the media has gotten so liberal in their own views, they feel like any action or reaction against this current administrations policies is a direct attack against themselves ? They even go so far as to report these protests as not being a "grassroots" movement at all, but, more a clandestine movement by the Republicans against the Obama administration to use these functions as a platform to push their agenda. On the contrary, most of these events have not invited, or even banned in some instances, local politicians from even attending so they can't use the tea parties as a tool to get themselves in the good graces of the people. In Austin, Texas, over the 4th of July, Sen.John Cornyn (R) was "Boo'd", while starting his introduction of a guest speaker, because the citizens of Austin were very upset with his "Yes" vote on the wasteful spending "Tarp" bill that passed earlier this year. They Boo'd over his rhetoric and as you watch the clip, you can see that he was not even listened to until he started talking about Our soldiers overseas and the characteristics of the guest speaker.

These aren't republicans, democrats, left wing, right wing, religious nuts or extremists. They are American citizens and I, for one, am interested in what they have to say. To me this is news also. Since when has it been the medias job to report only issues that are in line with what they believe ? Observe & Report and let U.S. decide. They are not there to decide what they think is news worthy. 35,000people attending an event in Texas, on the 4th, protesting tax increases peacefully is news, but to do it in tandem with 100's of other cities across the nation on the same day is something, I believe, we also need to hear about. But yet there was little, if any, reporting about it by the networks. What's up with that ??

Ok, I understand how, in the shadow of " MJ's " death 10 days prior, smaller, less important events such as ; the energy bill that would implement the largest tax on American citizens passing the House floor, N. Korea flexing their muscles and breaking more International laws by shooting off 7 missiles with greater accuracy than before or an unemployment rate of 9.5% that is at the highest number in the last 26 years might be overlooked or downplayed by the media. Are we that detached as a nation ? Are we, the people, that shallow that the media feels like, if they break and report on these types of issues, they will lose viewers to the entertainment channels that are running 24/7 MJ coverage ? What is that saying about us? Are we tuning into the News to be informed or simply entertained? The networks are reporting more like the "National Enquirer" or "E" rather than a news agency.

Hey Media !! Do your Job ! You Observe it, than Report it and We will Decide.

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