Wednesday, July 8, 2009

What are we leaving behind ?

I have to admit that sometimes I get tired, run down and overwhelmed trying to stay on top and informed on what is happening in our country everyday. You see, If i am not aware of what is going on, I won't know what I am supposed to be doing. The truth is, I have a responsibility to act when it's required, influence who I can and fight when I see injustice. The problem is, the more I look, the more I see. Whether it's calling or writing my Congressman, Representatives or Senators praising their support of Bills or voicing my disappointment about how they voted on them, informing others of issues they might not be aware of ( Cap and Trade, Universal Health Care, Wasteful Spending in Washington) or putting in work to support the right candidates in local and national elections, there is ALWAYS something I can be doing. Sure, sometimes I get down and feel like my efforts are in vain. At times I feel defeated. There is so much to do and sometimes I wonder if anyone else is doing anything. I'll be the first one to admit that, many times, I just want to quit, lie down and just take it. I find myself asking " Why am I fighting so hard?". Then I ran across this quote from one of our Founding Fathers;

"If there must be trouble, let it be in my day, that my child may have peace."

Thomas Paine, The American Crisis, No. 1, December 19, 1776

Like many of you, my parents and grandparents worked their tails off, served in wars and sacrificed much in order to secure our country and our futures. They wanted to insure that they left this world a better place for our sake. As a Father of 5, I can't stand the thought of my children and grandchildren being left in a worse predicament than what we are facing today. As a son, I feel guilty for not doing more, before this, to at least sustain what my father worked so hard to build for me. The Lord IS in control of the future and my trust is secure in Him. Never the less, God has entrusted me with my children and blessed me with this great nation and commands me to be a good steward of all He has given me. So If that means that I have to work harder to make a difference, yell louder to be heard and fight longer to protect our freedoms. Then that is my charge. I will do it gladly in thanksgiving to my Lord, for the love of my country and to make sure that what I leave behind for my children will be, not only better than how it is now, but better than how my father left it to me

1 comment:

  1. I feel the same way,trust in God is key to surviving these hard and trying times
