Tuesday, July 21, 2009

What's with The Need For Speed ?

I am hoping that, at the speed in which this administration is writing bills, passing laws, spending money and changing policy, this Bullet Train of Change has an emergency brake. My head is spinning trying to keep up with the intense pace that things are being done. And what is up with the month of August? The President wants EVERYTHING done by this time. Sotomayor, Cap and Trade, Health Care, Why? Whatever happened to "slow & steady wins the race"? I agree that we want and need things done, but, I don't want them done fast as much as I want them done right. It's all "Hurry up and Wait" with Obama it seems. Hurry, we need the stimulus, now, wait for the results to be seen and felt. Hurry and pass Cap and Trade, now, wait for China and India to come on board. Hurry with Health Care reform, but, wait while we come up with a plan to pay for and implement it. We can't fix things over night that have been broken for years. I applaud the intentions, we need to have progress and find solutions, but, to do something, just for the sake of saying that we are doing something, is not the right solution.

My Father always told me to "Take your time, do it right the first time. That way you won't have to waste time in doing it all over again"

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